I love Dan's hair in this.
I love Dan's hair in this.
It was a thrill to animate. If i do another one that's what I will stick with
That some how creeped me out more than boku no pico so... congrats?
Overall a pretty good short, the background was weirdly out of resolution, but other than that I like it!
Keep up the good work! :3
Thanks. Yah the program im using is not made for drawing background so I draw them in flash 8 and import them over. It gives it an interesting look though. Im glad you enjoyed it regardless :) Also I looked up boku no pico . . . o_O Kinda wish I didt lol.
Neat! I can feel odd1sout in this, did you inspire from him?
(also very funny, keep making videos!)
Yeah for sure, I'm a huge fan of his. He's the reason my videos are 'cartoons', I love telling stories, but I'm definitely not an artist lol.
Okay so there are many problems with this movie.
For one, there is zero audio, and believe me when I say audio is VERY important even if there's no dialogue.
Secondly, while the style of the whole thing being like a comic may sound okayish on paper, it does not work for an animation, at least one like this. You should have really just made each strip a full screen experience without giving an awkward, lazy comic feel.
Thridly, while the animation is... ehhhhhh not ehhh, naaaa... there is much to be desired from it. Parts of the weird comic panel outlines disappear, it lacks any pacing and it's VERY sketchy.
Finally, it's SHORT. Like, very short. 15 seconds for a fight animation is nothing.
I can only cut you so much slack for your first movie, I just didn't really enjoy it.
Hopefully you will improve and make awesome animations in the future.
Damn I am just happy that someone actually watched this and even took the time to criticize it.
That is totally fair that you didn't like it and a lot of what you said seems valid.
Still for me, I consider this an accomplishment even if I still have a long ways to go.
thank you
Thanks fantastic viewer :D
Cool, I liked it!
Are you planing on making any other animations?
Thank you! :D
definitely! i'm gonna practice alot more before really making anything too big though
Joined on 1/21/17